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ETFE Hiflow rings
 ETFE hiflow ring

  In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Such as Nor-pac,
Hiflow rings,Top-pak, Envipac, Dtnpac, VSP rings as
well as Intalox metal packing, Structured Montz packing,
Structured Ralupak and Rombopak Etc.  These developements
were the result of intensive cooparation between industry and
universities, in particular the Institue of Thermal seperation
Processes of Bochum University in Germany.

High Flow Random Tower Packing Is ideal for environmental
applications, such as fume scrubbing, gas absorption, VOC / CO2
stripping and water treatment





Size Bulk Density (kg/m3) No. of per m3 Surface area Void
25mm 75 48000 218 92
50mm 55 6000 110 94
90mm 35 1250 76 96

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