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Bubble Cap Tray

Bubble Cay Tray

Bubble-Cap trays have numerous applications in refinery and gas plants, due to their effectiveness over a broad range of flow conditions and low susceptibility to fouling. T.C.I provides both standard and custom designs of Bubble cap trays. We can supply not only standard materials such as 410, 304, and 316 Stainless steels, but also provide special materials such as Monel, Alloy 20, and Hastelloy in a variety of cap styles.

Bubble Cap trays: is mainly constituted by the riser and Bubble cap. The Bubble cap is mounted in the top of the riser, stars round and bar two former wider use. 

TCI provides standard and custom designs for Bubble cap trays in numerous materials, gauges, and styles to meet the most stringent process and turndown requirements. 
See the standard dimensions for Bubble caps, we supply 80mm , 100mm and 150mm three
Sizes Bubble caps for trays.

Data sheet for Bubble caps



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