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Column trays
For many years, column trays have been used in a wide range of separation processes in the petrochemical and chemical industries.  Although trays have been replaced in part by random and structured packing, there are many mass transfer applications in which trays will be the preferred choice.  Trays are essentially used when:
  • Towers are very large in diameter (Multi-pass Trays)
  • Compounds contain solids or foulants
  • There are many internal transitions
  • Liquid loads are high
  • Lack of experience in the service
  • Chemical Reaction/Absorption - use high weirs to provide greater residence time for absorption / chemical reaction.  

Raschig GmbH offers a variety of tray products which include conventional sieve, valve and bubble cap trays, and specialty trays such as dual flow trays, disc and donut and side-to-side baffle trays. Special tray design can be offered on request.

Valve Tray


Bubble Cap Tray


Sieve Tray

Floating Tongue Tray

Tongue Tray




Float Valve

Bubble Cap

Bubble Cap

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